Best Club Awards 2020

Top of the 35th FIP Interclub 2020

Youth Photographic Society, yet again finished on the top of the table in the 35th FIP Interclub 2020 contest. With 60 acceptances (65 points) YPS finished first among the 34 Clubs that participated in the contest.

YPS Congratulates all the participants who contributed to the win.

Salon Names in green text indicate international salons
Available results can be downloaded by clicking on the respective logo
#LogoSalon NameDetails
2/821st KMPS National Digital Salon 2020FIP 2019/FIP/180/2020
3/83Blackhole National Circuit 2020FIP 2019/181-182-183/2010
4/8413th NBPC Salon of Photography 2020FIAP 2020/044
PSA 2020-014
ICS 2020/108
GPU L20015
FIP 2019/FIP/137
5/851st KCA International SalonPSA 2020-057
FIP 2019/FIP/178/2020
6/86Enprint 3rd International Circuit 2020 (Digital)PSA 2020-027
7/871st LPS National Salon 2020FIP 2019/FIP/241/2020
8/885th Love for Art International Digital Salon 2020 - Best Indian ClubFIAP 2020/046
PSA 2020/053
FIP 2019/FIP/190/2020
9/895th Love for Art International Digital Salon 2020 - Best Overall ClubFIAP 2020/046
PSA 2020/053
FIP 2019/FIP/190/2020
10/9035th FIP Interclub Contest 2020
11/91Hello Word Digital Circuit 2020PSA 2020-086
12/92Rainbow 4th International Circuit 2020 (DIGITAL)FIAP 2020/067-069
FIP 2019/146-147-148/2020
MOL 2019/71
IUP 2020/007
GPU L200024
ICS 2020/109
ISF 09/2020
13/93CMYK 2020 - National Salon of PhotographyFIP 2019/FIP/222/2020
14/94Fotomagiq National CircuitFIP 2019/FIP/255-257/2020
15/951st Snap Art International Salon 2020FIAP 2020/074
FIP 2019/189/2020
GPU L200031-M1G
16/96Miracle Image 6th International Salon 2020 DigitalFIAP 2020/013
FIP 2019/FIP/124/2020
IUP 2020/004
ISF 08/2020
ICS 2020/110
GPU L200024
MOL 2019/70
17/97APF National SalonFIP 2019/FIP/246/2019
18/984th ONYX 2020 International Exhibition of Photography, Romania - Club Special AwardPSA 2020-018
GPU L-200006
ICS 2020-120
19/99Expression National Circuit 2020FIP 2020/FIP/004-005-006/2020
20/100Sun's Shadow 3rd National Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/009/2020
21/101Surodhuni Art 1st International Salon 2020 (Digital) - Best Indian ClubPSA 2020-033
GPU L200050-M1G
23/103Creative Art International Digital Salon 2020FIAP 2020/162
FIP 2019/FIP/244/2020
24/104ZOOMIN International Circuit 2020FIAP 2020/150-152
PSA 2020-126
GPU L200048
FIP 2019/FIP/218-220/2020
25/105German International Photocup 2020 - 3rd Best Club with MedalPSA 2020-08
FIAP 2020/018-021
GPU L200009
DVF Patronat 02-05/2020
26/1064th FU National Salon of Photography 2020FIP 2020/FIP/013/2020
27/1071st Golden Light National Circuit 2020FIP 2019/FIP/170-171-172/2020
28/1081st The Creative Eye National Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/02/2020
29/1092nd Plaapa National Digital Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/026/2020
30/110IPCS (Imagix Photo Club of Santipur) 1st National Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/020/2020
31/111ASA National Circuit 2020 - GNG CLUBFIP 2020/FIP/31/2020
32/112ASA National Circuit 2020 - LENS AND VIEWFIP 2020/FIP/32/2020
33/113ASA National Circuit 2020 - PMP CLUBFIP 2020/FIP/33/2020
34/114Fotosquare 3rd International Salon 2020 DigitalFIP 2019/FIP/250/2020
FIAP 2020/226
ICS 2020/122
GPU L200072
ISF 24/2020
35/115Creative Digipix National 2020FIP 2020/FIP/065/2020
36/116Loftman 3rd International Circuit 2020 (Digital)FIP 2019/FIP/165-167/2020
FIAP 2020/99-101
PSA 2020-205
37/117PSS 1st National Digital Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/027/2020
38/118Tornado National Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/022/2020
39/119Discovery Photo Exhibition 2020PSA 2020-195
GPU L200067
40/120Artistic National Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/011/2020
41/121GNG National SalonFIP 2020/FIP/30/2020
42/122Kolkata Shadow Lines 1st National Photography Competition 2020FIP 2020/FIP/010/2020
43/1234th Alokrekhay International Salon of Photography (Digital) 2020PSA 2020-180
FIAP FIAP/2020/240
FIP FIP/2020/012/2020
44/124Lenscript International 2020FIAP 2020/131
PSA 2020-176
FIP 2019/FIP/243/2020
45/1251st Lensnlife National Digital Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/018/2020
46/126Seen Shot Society 2nd National Photography Contest 2020FIP 2020/FIP/042/2020
47/1272nd Ora D Fame National Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/008/2020
48/128Lens Reflex Photography National Digital Circuit 2020FIP 2020/FIP/071-073/2020
49/129REPLICA National Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/075/2020
50/1301st Foto Planet National Digital Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/50/2020
51/1314th Murshidabad International Salon 2020FIAP 2020/283
PSA 2020-263
FIP 2020/FIP/041/2020
52/1322nd Photophilics International Salon 2020FIAP 2020/245
FIP 2020/FIP/03/2020
53/133APJ 1st International Salon 2020 (Digital)PSA 2020-278
54/134Photogenic 2020 - 7th MPC National Digital SalonFIP 2020/FIP/121/2020
55/135Pondicherry 1st National Salon - 2020FIP 2020/FIP/127/2020
56/136Artwork International Circuit 2020 (Digital)PSA 2020-217
GPU L200130
57/137CAS Photo Academy International Photo Contest 2020PSA 2020-307
ICS 2020/130
VAR 10/2020
58/138PABEL 4th International Small Print & Digital Salon - BEST CLUBFIAP 2020/221
PSA 2020-197
GPU L-200080-M1G
FIP 2019/FIP/252/2020
59/139PABEL 4th International Small Print & Digital Salon BEST INDIAN CLUBFIAP 2020/221
PSA 2020-197
GPU L-200080-M1G
FIP 2019/FIP/252/2020
60/1402nd Nobel National Circuit 2020FIP 2020/FIP/92-93-94/2020
61/1412nd IVAF National SalonFIP 2020/FIP/114/2020
62/142Amtala International Digital Salon 2020FIAP 2020-390
PSA 2020-318
FIP 2020/FIP/074/2020
63/143Malwa National Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/123/2020
64/144Bengal Clickers National Digital Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/117/2020
65/145Retro National Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/145/2020
66/146FOTOART 2nd National Salon 2020 DigitalFIP 2020/FIP/137/2020
67/147Odesso Photo Exhibition 2020PSA 2020-341
GPU L200138
68/148PHA International Circuit 2020PSA 2020-171
69/149Shutterbug 4th International Salon 2020GPU L200146
ICS 2020/231
MoL 2020/55
ISF 36/2020
FIP 2020/FIP/70/2020
70/1502nd Annapurna International Salon - 2020FIAP 2020/472
GPU L2000172-M1G
IPN 2020/02
71/1512nd Blackhole National Circuit 2020 - PMP Salon ClubFIP 2020/FIP/128-129-130/2020
72/1522nd Blackhole National Circuit 2020 - GreenGo CubFIP 2020/FIP/128-129-130/2020
73/1532nd Blackhole National Circuit 2020 - Pinhole Foto CubFIP 2020/FIP/128-129-130/2020
74/154Trinity Photography Circut - Aperture The Jammu Photography
FIP 2020/FIP/173/2020
75/155Trinity Photography Circut - Retro Kashi Photo Art SocietyFIP 2020/FIP/174/2020
76/156Trinity Photography Circut - Vadodara Art FoundationFIP 2020/FIP/175/2020
77/15752nd Howrah Colour Salon 2020FIAP 2020/045
GPU L200023-M4G
FIP 2019/FIP/169/2020
78/158Photoera National Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/156/2020
79/159UNIQ IMAGE 2nd National Salon 2020 DigitalFIP 2020/FIP/165/2020
80/160Autumn Photo Festival CircuitPSA 2020-397
81/161Digital India Circuit 2020PSA 2020-402
GPU L200173-M8G
82/162Optics International Photo ContestPSA 2020-427
FIAP 2020/427
GPU L200149
FIP 2020/FIP/106/2020
83/1631st VPS Salon by Vivid Photography SocietyFIP 2020/FIP/105/2020
84/1641st WPS National Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/116/2020
85/165Lens and View International Salon 2020FIAP 2020/426
GPU L200162-M1G
FIP 2020/FIP/111/2020
86/166Tilted Rays National Digital Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/115/2020
87/167Tamil Nadu 1st National Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/207/2020
88/168Light n Shade 2nd International Salon 2020 digitalFIAP 2020/473
GPU L200156
MoL 2020/58
ICS 2020-132
FIP 2020/FIP/118/2020
ISF 38/20
89/1695th CAMPINA 2020 International Exhibition of PhotographyPSA 2020-339
GPU L200107
ICS 2020-127
90/170F-Stop National Circuit 20202020/FIP/177-178-179/2020
91/1711st Easel International Salon 2020PSA 2020-5426
92/172UFS 2nd National Digital Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/162/2020
93/1731st Spectator of Lights National Digital Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/248/2020
94/174RGB-2020 International Salon of PhotographyPSA 2020-410
GPU L200125
ICS 2020-129
95/1751st Foto Planet National Circuit 2020FIP 2020/FIP/227-229/2020
96/1767th Pannonia Reflections International SalonFIAP 2020/504
PSA 2020/461
FZS 2020/09
97/1771st TAP National SalonFIP 2020/FIP/122/2020
98/178ALP International Salon 2020FIAP 2020/496
FIP 2020/FIP/151/2020
99/179PHOTOQUEST 2020FIP 2019/FIP/242/2020
100/180QUADRA CIRCUIT 2020FIAP 2020/428-431
PSA 2019-088
GPU L200148
FIP 2020/FIP/101-104/2020
101/181Cross Continental Circuit 2020PSA 2020-477
FIAP 2020/501-503
102/182Beautiful Life 2020FIP 2020/FIP/034/2020
103/183SAP International Bathukamma Floral Festival Photography Contest-2020FIP 2020/FIP/246/2020
104/184Photo Hunters International Circuit 2020PSA 2020-479
105/185Christmas National Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/208/2020
106/186Universal Image Circuit 2020PSA 2020-445
GPU L200174-M8G
107/1872nd Photo Addicts National Circuit 2020FIP 2020/FIP/185-187/2020
108/1881st BSP Jalpaiguri National Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/217/2020
109/1891st Royal National Circuit 2020FIP 2020/FIP/214-216/2020
110/1905th Sonar Bangla International Salon 2020FIAP 2020/239
PSA 2020-268
FIP 2020/FIP/251/2020
111/1911st ARKA National Salon 2020FIP 2020/FIP/241/2020
112/192First Light International Digital Salon 2020FIAP 2020/527
GPU L200164-M1G
FIP 2020/FIP/157/2020
113/193The Artsy Lens International Circuit 2020PSA 2020-202