[group groupShowYPSID]
[group groupSeniorCitizen]
*Upload Age Proof
I confirm that the details provided by me are correct and that I read and understood the Terms & Conditions
Signed by me
[group groupYPSSeniorCitizen]
[group groupYPSSeniorCitizen1]
*Upload Age Proof
I confirm that the details provided by me are correct and that I read and understood the Terms & Conditions
Signed by me
[group groupYPSSeniorCitizen2]
*Upload Your Age Proof
I confirm that the details provided by me are correct and that I read and understood the Terms & Conditions
Signed by me
[group groupRegistrationType1]
[group groupCommon1]
Day Delegate, without stay, with only food and activities
I confirm that the details provided by me are correct and that I read and understood the Terms & Conditions
Signed by me
[group groupStudent1]
*Upload Student-Id Proof
I confirm that the details provided by me are correct and that I read and understood the Terms & Conditions
Signed by me
[group groupFIPMember]
I confirm that the details provided by me are correct and that I read and understood the Terms & Conditions
Signed by me
[group groupFIPMemberWithSpouse]
*Your FIP Member Id:
I confirm that the details provided by me are correct and that I read and understood the Terms & Conditions
Signed by me
[group groupNonFIPMember]
I confirm that the details provided by me are correct and that I read and understood the Terms & Conditions
Signed by me
[group groupRegistrationType2]
[group groupCommon2]
Day Delegate, without stay, with only food and activities
I confirm that the details provided by me are correct and that I read and understood the Terms & Conditions
Signed by me
[group groupStudent2]
*Upload Student-Id Proof
I confirm that the details provided by me are correct and that I read and understood the Terms & Conditions
Signed by me
[group groupYPSMember]
I confirm that the details provided by me are correct and that I read and understood the Terms & Conditions
Signed by me
[group groupYPSMemberWithSpouse]
I confirm that the details provided by me are correct and that I read and understood the Terms & Conditions
Signed by me