Member Details Form

    * - Required Field

    *First Name

    *Last Name



    YPS Member ID

    Life Member since




    *Date of Birth


    *Upload your passport photo for ID Card

    Upload your old ID Card

    *Blood Group


    *Your Email

    *Your Mobile

    *Your Whatsapp Phone

    Residential Telephone

    Office Phone


    Professional Qualification

    *Residential Address

    Office Address

    Areas of interest in Photography

    Distinctions in Photography

    Other Hobbies

    Profession, Company, Designation

    *Other Photography Club Memberships - currently held or held in the past

    Any other additional information

    I confirm that the details provided by me are correct and that I read and understood the Terms and Conditions

    I agree to the Terms and Conditions on the YPS Website and will fully abide by the laws of Youth Photographic Society

    Signed by me

    * Required Field
    + Use YYYY-MM-DD format if date picker is not available in your browser