YPS members had a chance to see another fabulous presentation by the young YPS member Mr. Arjun Haarith. Around 60 people participated in the program. It was gratifying to see Arjun’s family join the program to provide support. Arjun’s father himself is a photographer and an early member of YPS. Continue reading Traveller Terriffic→
Photo Contest | Last Date Sep 24 | Department of Tourism
Department of Tourism, Government of Karnataka in association withYouth Photographic Society, is conducting a Digital Photography Contest to mark the World Tourism Day 2016. The contest is open to all photographers, whether amateurs or professionals or tourists, from India. There are two categories, namely,Karnataka HeritageandKarnataka Nature. Each Participant can post up to 4 photographs under each category. The winner and runner will be selected by a jury of 3 judges. There is no Entry Fee.All the pictures must have been taken in Karnataka.
Requesting YPS Members to participate and win recognition and prizes.
Attractive Prizes
Department of Tourism has announced 2 Cash Prizes and 5 Certificates of Merit in each of the two categories. The Winner in each category will receive a Cash Prize of Rs. 25,000/- and the Runner will receive a Cash Prize of Rs. 15,000/-.
Even as the excitement from the World Photography Day Celebration and Exhibition was dying YPS announced the programs for September and also Portrait Workshop for October. The first YPS Meet for September was held in the YPS Hall on September 3rd with a slide show and talk on Travel Photography by Murali Santhanam, Director, YPS based on his trips to Russia. Despite a long weekend and the festival on Monday, around 35 enthusiasts attended the program. Continue reading Marvellous Moscow→