YPS World Photography Day Celebration 2020

WPD | August 19, Sun | 4:00 PM | YPS Facebook page

World Photography Day, a very special day for YPS, is always celebrated with grandeur.  This year, it is a virtual celebration! 

We celebrate the World Photography Day with a presentation by Mr Ashok Dilwali, a passionate trekker and photographer of the Himalayas! 

The mighty Himalayas are always beckoning Landscape Photographers and Mr Dilwali  has not been able to resist the call. He has been involved with photographing the Himalayan Landscape for over 40 years!

Let us join him, in his exploration of the many aspects of the mighty mountains.

YPS will also be recognizing contributions made by our esteemed members during the event by conferring “Service Awards”
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From Visible Spectrum To Invisible Spectrum

YPS Meet Live | August 16, Sun | 5:30 PM | YPS Facebook page

The most important aspect for a photographer is good light!  We see colours due to the presence of light. And when we say light, in terms of photography, we are mostly referring to ‘White light’ that is sunlight which consists of seven colours, in short called VIBGYOR. In order to record all colours truly, most types of photography is done using White Light, even when we use studio lights. During the film era, commonly used colour films had a marking ‘Daylight Type’ which referred to the white light as mentioned. But not many photographers however know that the band of white light that human eyes see is actually a very small portion of spectrum. It is this small range that we can see (from 400 nm to 700 nm approx.) and it is called VISIBLE SPECTRUM, rest is invisible to us. The band of INVISIBLE SPECTRUM extends considerably on both sides of the VISIBLE SPECTRUM. IR (Infrared) band is a similar portion that cannot be seen through naked human eyes but with special photographic material, it can be recorded. It produces very interesting photos both in black & white and colour. There are a lot of technicalities involved in IR Photography.

The presentation will start with images from VISIBLE SPECTRUM gradually progressing from one colour to another and will proceed to images captured using IR Spectrum to produce very different looking Black & White pictures. IR Spectrum photography was done by hardly 4-5 people in India during the 1990s

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Aesthetics in Light and Tones

YPS Meet Live | August 09, Sun | 5:30 PM | YPS Facebook page

A Pictorial presentation by Mr. K S Srinivas

Photography is seen differently by every person with a camera! For some it is recording an event as it unfolds, making memories, or simply capturing a beautiful subject. 

Mr. Srinivas, on the other hand, is an artist par excellence, with his camera and canvas. In fact, his photographs are like paintings and vice versa! Any genre of photography, be it Landscape, Portrait, Wildlife, Nature or Macro are all captured in a Pictorial form! 

This Sunday’s presentation is about aesthetics in lights and tones and is Pictorial all the way!

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YPS’ Official Number

+91 9513 YPS BLR – is the new official phone number for all future communications. Please save it in your contacts without fail, so you don’t miss any communication from the club.

Wondering how to save +91 9513 YPS BLR as a number? The letters translate to +91 9513 977 257 as can be seen on your phone’s dial pad

The New Phone was inaugurated on 26 Jul, 2020 @ the Awards ceremony of YPS All India Digital Salon 2020.

Starting August 01, 2020, all YPS notifications will be made from this number.

Pictorial Photography – A Presentation by Mr. Gurdas Dua

YPS Meet Live | August 02, Sun | 5:30 PM | YPS Facebook page

Our next YPS Meet is a presentation and Pictorial Workshop by Mr Gurdas Dua

Pictorial Photography helps in capturing a subject in an artistic manner, drawing a viewer’s attention to linger on the image.

Mr. Gurdas Dua, with a wide range of interest in Pictorial, Nature, Wildlife, Travel, Portrait, Architectural, Advertising, Industrial and Fashion will not only showcase his works but will be explaining the nuances of Pictorial Photography.

Let us join him on Sunday, 02 August 2020, to learn the art of Pictorial Photography.

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