YPS Annual Day 2018 | Jan 6 | Venkatappa Art Gallery
YPS celebrates Annual Day every year around the 7th of January. The 2018 Annual Day was held at Venkatappa Art Gallery on January 6th. As part of the Annual Day, it is customary to recognize YPS Members achieving International Honors over the last year as well as hold a program in celebration. The 2018 YPS Day was no different.
Recognition of International Honors
Two YPS Members reported achieving International Honors in 2017.
- Mr. Astro Mohan, Life Member of YPS, achieved Fellowship of Image Colleage Society International, USA. Mr. Astro Mohan could not attend the function due to other engagements.
- Mr. Mohammed Arfan Asif, Hon. YPS and Life Member of YPS, achieved Associate of Photographic Society of America (APSA) and EFIAP/Gold status during the last year. Since Mr. Asif was in Dubai, his father collected the trophy on the stage.
Slideshow by Shri. Suresh Moona
As we marked the completion of 47 years of Youth Photographic Society and reminisced over the happenings last year, how best it would be to go over the 200+ years of history of our home town Bengaluru. This is exactly what Shri Suresh Moona, passionate Bengalurian and a noted historian on Bengaluru, showed on January 6th.
In his talk he made a structured comparison of London which evolved from the 400 year old Londonium and Bengaluru with a history of 200+ years. He noted that London had a checkered history with many wars razing it down several times and called it a City of Disasters. On the other hand Bengaluru had been a city of opportunities growing steadily from sleepy Fort Town spread over 2.5 KMs of diameter to the sprawling (709 Sq.KM) Cosmopolitan City. But for one or two occasions, Bengaluru escaped unscathed from the various wars that happened in the South India.
He compare London and Bengaluru from several parameters like,
- Richness of History
- Availability of Records
- Preservation of Historical Monuments and Records
- Public Availability of Information
- Pride in Marketing and
- Various other parameters
He lit a fire in the audience to know more of the history of Bengaluru and contribute in some ways to the preservation of images of old monuments.
Mr. M S Hebbar presented Mr. Moona with a memento. Thanking Mr. Moona, Satish requested him if he could arrange a Photo Walk to the YPS Members, which Mr. SUresh Moona readily agreed.