‘Basic Photography Workshop’ was held successfully on 13th and 14th May 2023 at Venkatappa Art Gallery, Bengaluru. The workshop had participation of about 60 people, majority of them being non-members. The workshop saw enthusiastic participation from all age groups, majority being the younger generation and a few Junior Associates of YPS. Participants were from varied fields like dentists, architects, students who proposed to pursue journalism, hobbyists etc. The participants were taught basic knowledge on shooting with DSLR as well as mobile cameras and also to process the pictures on the mobile phone to make them even better.
On 13th May 2023, the session started at 2 pm with the welcome address and brief introduction of YPS by Ms Prema Kakade, Secretary, YPS, Bengaluru and also about the workshop content and mentors. She handed over the stage to Mr H. Satish, ex-officio President, YPS, one of the mentors, to take it forward.
Mr H Satish started the event by giving insight to the most common mistakes people commit while taking pictures, by showing images coupled with detailed explanation as to how the same could be avoided to capture great images. He spoke in detail about each of the common mistakes like, camera shake, camera tilt, un-sharp pictures, wrong lighting, wrong composition, colour cast and exposure problem, with comparison of images by an amateur and a pro. He also showcased some of his outstanding images of simple subjects, landscapes, wildlife, streets etc., and explained how one can capture such images by giving easy tips to follow.
Mr M.S.Kakade, Director, YPS, very passionate about mobile photography, explained the nuances of using cameras on mobile phones, and emphasised that we should create images and not just click them. He listed out some simple tips to be followed viz. to clean the camera lens before taking any picture, tap the screen to focus, not to use flash, manually set the brightness, compose creatively, rule of thirds, rule of odds, straighten the horizon, use leading lines, use of natural light and not to use digital zoom. He discussed each of these tips in detail, explained the importance of the same and impressed upon the participants that by following these one can definitely enhance the quality of images being taken to a great extent. He also showed how the quality of images can be enhanced through some basic processing on the mobile itself using a software freely available viz. Snapseed, and demonstrated its use with sample images.
Mr Hardik P Shah, Joint Secretary, passionate in creating images very differently, spoke about the meaning of photography, what is a DSLR? and process of image capture in a DSLR camera, and compared it to the process as to how the human eye functions and enables us to view the world per se. He explained the importance of ‘Exposure Triangle’ and its elements viz. ISO, Shutter Speed & Aperture, and enlightened as to how one can achieve correct exposure in very simple terms together with some excellent video content and graphic representation of the process. He also touched upon various dials & controls on a DSLR camera.
On the second day i.e. 14th May 2023, participants had an excellent opportunity of checking their basics taught on the first day through a practical session to shoot models like Yakshagana artists and Bharatanatyam dancers using available light. Mr H Satish briefed the participants with all the nuances involved in capturing images in the given situation, the importance of light/background and guided the participants as to what the settings on a DSLR should be, how to compose the images, placement of subject, use of directional light etc. He also demonstrated how to use available light to create lovely images by using reflectors to optimize the use of light effectively to capture attractive images. Workshop mentors, M.S.Kakade, Hardik P Shah along with other members of YPS Executive Committee and volunteers from YPS viz. Mr Manju Mohan and Mr B. V. Prakash, helped the participants in undertaking the shoot effectively by giving all the necessary support as and when required. Subsequent to the shoot, images clicked by the participants were reviewed with regard to composition, lighting etc., by the mentors who appreciated the images as well as gave tips for improvement and making it more presentable. Mr Rakesh V.C., former Director of YPS volunteered to capture the moments of the workshop and created great memories for both YPS as well as the participants.
The participants expressed that the workshop was very well conducted and was an eye-opener for capturing good images. Few of the participants expressed that they hesitate to take pictures when approached by others but after attending the workshop they were confident in clicking pictures, and their passion for photography had been ignited. The workshop concluded with the distribution of certificates to all the participants.
In order to appreciate and encourage the participants, a photo contest was organized post workshop. Each of the participants were asked to submit four images, out of which 15 pictures were selected for the final round, and three pictures were presented with three equal prizes.
The winners of the photo contest are:
Mr Anupam Bhattacharyya
Ms Chandramika Sarma
Mr Upendra Lal
The prizes were given to all three winners on May 20 2023 at YPS Hall.
YPS recognises all members of the Executive Committee as well as volunteers who supported and rendered their services in the successful conduct of the workshop. The workshop would not have seen participation from public in great numbers without the support of media and YPS extends sincere thanks to publishing houses viz. Vijayavani, Vijaya Karnataka and Sakshi (Telugu daily), for their continued support to all endeavours of YPS.