July 2016 ended with a happy note on successful completion of Basic Photography Workshop on July 31st. The Workshop was keenly participated by more than 50 delegates of all ages, young and experienced sitting shoulder to shoulder.
YPS gave an option to all non-member participants to become members and it was taken up by all the delegates without an exception.
The Workshop was inaugurated by Satish who highlighted that, YPS being a not-for-profit organization interested in promoting photographic talent, is offering the workshop at a fraction of the cost of similar workshops organized by commercial organizations.
The first speaker for the event was Mr. Garani Venlatesh, Finance Head, Siemens. He took the audience through the concept of taking photographs and explained about the construction of the camera, the lenses etc. He also explained how correct exposure, freezing of action and depth of field is achieved by varying ISO, aperture and shutter speed.
Mr. K S Rajaram, Vice President, YPS Bangalore, then spoke at length about composition, the visual science behind appealing photographs. He showed various pictures from international photographers to demonstrate arrangement of elements in proper composition.
The entire team had simple lunch followed by a group photograph.
The focus in the afternoon shifted to the effect of life on the photograph and the subject. He demonstrated this by setting up a small studio of lights to demonstrate concepts of main light, fill light etc.
One of the participants agreed to be a model for demonstrating the lighting and composition techniques. Many participants took pictures while the demonstration was going on.
Even with simple lighting equipment, Mr. Rajaram brought out the power of photography in portraying a person by using proper lighting, use of props and composition.
The last session was a slide show by Satish showing his award winning work under the title “How to take simple pictures effectively”. He explained the idea behind such pictures and how the pictures were appreciated by experienced photographers.
Delegates were then presented with certificates for successful completion of the course.
The event was also participated by Srishti Digilife Pvt. Ltd., dealers for Manfrotto Camera Support solutions. They brought models of tripods and let the delegates experience use of the tripods.
The session was yet another milestone for YPS. There were many requests for advanced courses and post-processing course which YPS will start working on soon.
We wish all the delegate members happy shooting in the meanwhile and looking forward to their participation in YPS programs.