YPS Meet | Mar 4 | State Youth Centre
YPS would like to thank Shri. T Kempanna for accepting to share his slideshow at very short notice. Shri. T. Kempanna, ARPS, AFIAP, is a retired Photo and Film officer, Ministry of I & B and is an experienced photo artist. He has been doing photography for the last 30 years. Shri. Kempanna was one of the judges in YPS All India Salon 2016. He has conducted many exhibitions and has more than 30 acceptances for portraits, candids, studio, wildlie and local sports.
In the recent years Shri. Kempanna has been focusing on pictorials and monuments. In his presentation he shared pictures from Pushkar, Sam Dunes, Hampi and other places. Shri. Kempanna gave a presentation covering various genres of photography. He showed some images from Pictorial, wildlife, monuments and other subjects. While describing his images, he was also mentioning about the punctuality of a photographer. One must maintain time, to get the best picture, otherwise we lose the quality, as well as opportunity. He shared nearly 150 pictures on various subjects.
He is an extensively travelled photographer. For each image, he choses the best time and month to take pictures. He also spoke about how to balance light, especially in landscapes and monuments to get the best out of the scenes. He spoke about adoption of modern techniques like HDR and Panorama stitching to enhance the appeal of the pictures.
YPS thanks him for the wonderful show.