YPS Salon
YPS Executive Committee and the YPS International Salon 2018 Committee are pleased to announce opening of YPS International Salon 2018 for registration and uploads. As in the past YPS Members can login using the Member ID and password. We encourage members to join early and take advantage of concessional early bird rates.
What is New
A few things have not changed:
- Same website structure and appearance for ease of use
- Online Payments using Indian Payment Gateway and Paypal for international participants.
- Concessional rates for YPS Meembers.
As is the tradition with YPS, there are a lot more newer and exciting additions and changes:
- Since photographers love seeing their pictures on Prints, we have added two Print Sections to the Salon – Color Open Print and Monochrome Open Print. Please take advantage of the fact that the photographer has ultimate control on how the picture will look in a print submission and participate in large numbers.
- The Salon now offers attractive Early Bird Salon Fee rates. Once you make a payment before the last date of Early Bird rate, you can still make all the changes you want to make till the last date of the Salon.
- It was decided by the YPS Salon Committee to disqualify Nude/Semi-nude pictures keeping in mind that our Salon exhibitions are visited by adults and children and such pictures may be inappropriate for children.
- Revised user participation screens with added convenience and flexibility in selection of sections on the fly. Users can add more sections and increase participation till the last date.
- The Upload page has been changed to (a) Suggest Resize dimensions if the picture does not conform, (b) Move a picture from one section to another without having to delete and upload again, (c) Edit Title and even change the picture.
- The Upload page now displays your acceptances in YPS Salons since 2016 so that you can be sure that you are not submitting pictures that may be disqualified