YPS Saturday Meet | Apr 06, Sat | 6:00 PM IST | State Youth Center H Satish, the presenter of the program says that the present generation of lensmen may not have any knowledge of historical changes or metamorphosis that photography world has seen from the past two centuries or so. He says “The presentation … Continue reading Nostalgia – journey from Analogue to Mirrorless→
YPS Salon | Apr 20, Sat | 5:30 PM IST | Google Meet Here's an opportunity to clear your 'SALON RELATED' doubts. What are SALONS? * Types of Recognitions (FIAP, PSA...) * Types of distinctions * Image size * Image title * Maintaining records * The entire steps from applying to salons till distinctions.... Please … Continue reading Introduction to Salons→
YPS Saturday Meet | Apr 27, Sat | 5:30 PM IST | Travel Photography | Google Meet YPS is organizing a photo tour of Georgia later this year. Mr James Kerwin who has been visiting Georgia since Dec 2017 and also lived there through the pandemic will showcase his portfolio from Georgia, and the capital … Continue reading Georgia – Jewel of the Caucasus→
YPS Saturday Meet | May 04, Sat | 6:30 PM IST | State Youth Center Photographers usually just shoot record pictures of animals. But hardly does anybody take time to study the behavior of the subjects that they capture. Satish, as a serious Wildlife photographer, studies these aspects before venturing into photography. He likes to … Continue reading Tusker Trails…story of elephants→